Friday, February 19, 2010

PT--->My Favourite Subject??

For your information, PT here stands for Physical Training... For those in Malaysia, it is similar to PJK... You know, the subject which we have to study until secondary school... ONLY!!!!!But here, I guess they want their doctors to be as fit as possible, that's why they're keeping the subject until the university years... I thought that this subject is only for first year students only, but according to recent news, it will be continued till my final year!!! OMG!!!! *dead*

Yeah, at first I would take it like that... I'm not the kind of girl that you can take one look and say, "Hey, she's so fit!" or "Hey, she's so sporty!". No man. I will never be like that. But my father was an athlete!!! Wish I could be like him too...

Never mind... I'm not here to babble about how much I hate this subject. I'm here to tell you guys a story regarding today's PT class.

I went to class, learned how to play basketball, etc etc... Well, during our game of basketball, I was 'attacked' in the eye by my own group mate. An the pain was like OMG!!!! Am I gonna be blind after this??? But after a while, the sting goes away, but the bruise, I think, stayed... huhu... I think my left eye will be a lot smaller than before...

The most interesting part is what happened AFTER CLASS...

We, the girls, were happily gossiping about our day, minding our own business in the changing room. Some were ready to take off their PT pants, some were about to put their coats on.... You know, getting ready to get home... (girls, you know what we usually do during this time, right???)SUDDENLY!!!!!


We all shouted when the door suddenly opened to reveal one bald head(yes, he's bald in reality, he had just cut off his hair by the end of the last term) poking into our changing room. At that exact time, one of my leg was already inside my jeans and I was about to put in the other one in when I looked to the back and there his head was!!!! Poking and looking into and around the room. He must have shocked himself too, as he quickly said sorry and went out hurriedly. He's one of the other fist years too, but not in my class.. I saw him once in a while when we have lectures or combined history class, and that's all. I was too shocked to see him, and I just stood there, frozen in the state where one of my leg was still not inside my jeans. But, before all of you get too excited, I must tell you one thing. I still had my PT pants on, and I was double layering my pants, so what??? He didn't get to see anything~ hahahaaa.... the other girls too, everyone was still fully dressed at that time(thankfully). On top of that, the guy didn't wear his spectacles at that time, so... he didn't get to see anything even if we... okay... let's not imagine that.

So, when we were ready to go home, that guy quickly came over to us and said, repeatedly, "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't see a thing, really. I'm so sorry." Well, he repeated that line like... a thousand times, even though we already said that it was okay... nothing bad happened...

Haha.... just want to say that the guy was quite cute... haha~ don't get me wrong, it's not wrong to compliment him, or even anyone, right??? If you think that he's not, suit yourselves. I DON'T CARE. =)

Then... I fell for the second time during my first winter. Hooray~

What a wonderful PT class I had today. don't you agree?? ;)
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