And at last, they arrived!!! So we grabbed our coats, and stepped outside of the airport for the first time, on the land of Russia. Feeling the first breeze, I trembled because it was cold! Literally!! (Show off your coats, guys! This is the time!!!) Yeah, we all wore our new coats… XD But me, the MARA jacket was sufficient… Thanks MARA…
We went on a bus to go to the Malaysian Embassy. It took us about 2 hours to get there. On the way, everyone fell asleep~ ZZZzzzzz….. When we arrived, the first thing that we all saw were FOOD!!! Yummy!!! They cooked ayam masak kurma, rice… Just like in Malaysia! We stayed there for a while, briefed about what will be going on tomorrow, and off we go to check in into a hotel, named Korston. Each paid 200USD to stay there, in a room of twos. It was very comfortable! I shared my space with RODIAH, and our room was SO HUGE!!! We cleaned ourselves, and watched the tv… and again, slept….
When morning came, we have to check out early and boarded the bus to go back to the embassy, There, we were briefed on the safety precautions, the functions of an embassy, and also we get to know the individuals who would help us here in case we came to a problem during our stay in Russia. Again, we were given MALAYSIAN FOOD!! YAY!!!! Burp… thank you, embassy people…
Then the time came for… GOODBYES… First, the Moscow students took their bus to their hostel, about 30 minutes from the embassy… our friends-RIA, MIRA, AYSHA, ASYRAF(Yes, the one who helped me get my bag on the plane… Thanks, Acap!!), AJIM, FIRDAUS-BAPAK, VILZAN, SYAFIQA, NAQIB, HAZEL, FATEN REZAL, AFIAH, AFIQAH, and who else?? Sorry if I missed your name… You will always be remembered!!! After that, our Nizhny friends went on the next two buses. They will use the land road to get to their destination, and I heard they had to sit in the bus for 7 hours!! Pity them… Hope they arrived safely… From class 14C-QILAH, TIRAH, ARINI, SYAZOL, AMIR(Again, the guy who helped me, thanks Amir…). And last but not least, US… the Volgo students… We have to go back to the airport for the next flight that will bring us straight to Volgograd. We sent all the students going to Moscow and Nizhny with supporting and encouraging goodbyes, but by the time it was our turn to go, there was no one left to do that for us… That… caught me a little, and I almost cried… But never mind, there are still my friends with me here! I must be strong!!! One thing to be highlighted, I saw this Proton Wira on the roads of Moscow!!! *Proud*
Well, my journey was so full of waiting, as we had to wait for another hour or two at the airport until we were able to check in. And I must say, you must expect the worse here, because if you can't speak Russian, you will not get the treatment you deserve. We had to queue for another hour! Can you believe that??!!! It's just because we are foreigners, and there were some people who didn't know how to queue along. Hmph!!! But luckily, there are still good guys here in Moscow. There's a few grandmas that hanged around the counter, who chatted a bit with us while waiting for their flight, that helped us to get out of the mess. They argued among them, though there were nothing to argue about as we had the right as we got there first! Wait for your turn!!! Oh my, I'm not bashing… just… wanna tell the truth… Don't like it?? Then DON'T DO IT!!!